Explanationwe have a tower on a hill, and basically all it amounts to is we want to find the distance between the top of the tower and the hill right here. So we want to find that value, See? And the way we gotta do this is we gotta figure out what our angle right here is First. I know this is is ah, perpendicular to the bottom of the hill, which means that we have some complimentary and supplementary angles that we can work with. So if this is 34 degrees and that's 90 degrees well, 90 plus 34 is equal to 124 180 minus on in 24 is 56. So this is 56 degrees right here, which means that this one is also 56 degrees because they're opposite angles. So now what we can do is we can use the law of co signs to help us find. See, so we'll use C squared is equal to a squared plus B squared minus two a. B co sign of C, so C squared is equal to 113 squared, plus 98 squared minus Ah, two times 113 times 98 times Co. Sign of 56 degrees. So we'll have C squared is equal to 113 squared plus 98 squared, which is equal to AH, 22,373 minus two times 113 times 98 times co sign of 56 which is equal Tech 12,385 0.443 If we do 22,373 minus what we just found. Ah, we should get C Square is equal to excuse me. C squared is equal to 9987 0.9956 and then we'll take the square root of either side to find C. So C is equal to 99 0.94 feet and that's it.: