Answer: Is it possible to produce metals that comprise the martensitic matrix when graphite is embedded in any nodule or flake form and the treatment required to produce each of these two sub-structures is as follows is:
Spheroidal graphite cast iron usually has a pear lite matrix.
However, the removal of the anneal causes the carbon in the pear lite to roll over to the existing graphite or to form other small graphite particles, leaving a ferric matrix.
This gives the metal even greater ductility.
As the name implies flake graphite has a clear or platy morphology.
All graphite has a morphology dispersed to some degree, but in most cases flake-graphite has this structure regardless of particle size.
The platy morphology of flake graphite is reflected in electron scanning and bright micro graphs.
Micro structures are the result of a variety of heat treatments depending on the degree of cooling from the Austen range; are predicted using a TTT diagram with cooling curves at the top of the selected object.
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