Adequate physical activity is a key part of a healthy lifestyle for students. Despite the required physical education classes, our school offers
inadequate opportunities for physical movement in a typical day. I propose that our school expand its curriculum to include two additional hours of
diverse physical education each week.
There is no question even limited physical activity enhances the well-being of students. Physical activity helps us maintain healthy bones.
muscles, and joints. Research shows that physical activity improves brain activity and development, as well. After sufficient physical movement.
many students focus better in the classroom and feel less emotional stress.
Some may object, especially students who are not interested in sports. However, physical activity does not need to be strenuous to be
beneficial. Our physical education curriculum should be expanded beyond the basics of baseball, football, soccer, and basketball. Why not include
archery, yoga, badminton, or skateboarding? Why not offer dancing or stretching? Even games like table tennis, kite flying, or croquet promote
physical well-being.
There are so many excellent physical activities to choose from, and our school should offer students diverse choices that appeat to their
different interests. In fact. I suggest that we survey staff, teachers, students, and parents in the school community for additional ideas about how
we should expand our school's existing physical education curriculum.
Which sentence best concludes Darrin's essay?
1. A school survey of our community would definitely prove that this proposal is a good decision for our students.
Our school focuses on preparing students for college, and a stronger physical education program will definitely support that aim.
3. More physical education classes will eliminate the need for all after-school sports, which will undoubtedly save the school district
O4. No matter what activities we eventually offer, any increase in physical education is sure to improve the physical and mental well-
being of our students.