

the 3 repeats until infinity
Let's multiply this by 100 to move the non-repeating part to the left of the decimal point
0.1633333333...... x 100 = 16.333333333333333...
.333333 = 1/3
Therefore the recurring number multiplied by 100 is

Since this fraction was arrived at by multiplying by 100, divide this fraction by 100 to get back the fraction in its original decimal value of 0.163333

To divide by a number, multiply by the reciprocal of that number
Reciprocal of 100 is 1/100:

(You can verify this by dividing 49 by 300 in a calculator and seeing that the result is 0.163333333333333333333 i.e. 0.16333 recurring
We want to add 0.5 to this.
0.5 =

0.5 + 0.16333333 = 0.6633333

We can write
by multiplying numerator and denominator by 150
So we get

If you perform this division on a calculator you will get the answer as 0.663333 =
which is what you get when you add 0.5 and