Fiber optics is a method that sends information coded in a beam of light down a glass or plastic pipe. It was first developed for
endoscopes in the 1950s to help doctors, see inside the human body without having to cut it open first. A fiber-optic cable is made up
of incredibly thin strands of glass or plastic known as optical fibers. Each strand is less than a tenth as thick as a human hair, so an
entire fiber-optic cable can easily carry several million calls.
Which sentence contains an ERROR in standard written English?
A. Each strand is less than a tenth as thick as a human hair, so an entire fiber-optic cable can easily carry several million
B. A fiber-optic cable is made up of incredibly thin strands of glass or plastic known as optical fibers.
C. It was originally developed for endoscopes in the 1950s to help doctors, see inside the human body without having to
cut it open first.
D. Fiber optics is a method that sends information coded in a beam of light down a glass or plastic pipe.