Although ordinary people did not achieve the level of wealth of industry leaders,
some of them did have more money, and there were new things to spend it on. City
dwellers could take a train to an amusement park and shop in new department stores.
Some factory workers could even afford new inventions such as automobiles,
telephones, and electricity. However, much of the urban population growth was due to
an influx of immigrants who came to America in search of freedom and opportunity.
These immigrants lived in crowded tenements and found work in factories, where
many of them worked 16-hour days in airless sweatshops for subsistence wages.
This period also marked by new roles for women. The movement to secure their
right to vote was reinvigorated as women sought to have a larger voice in every aspect
of public life. Increasing numbers of women achieved the goal of a university education
as a step toward their broader role in society.
Write a 2-3 sentence summary of the previous two paragraphs: