Related Words and Meanings
When determining related words based off given context, you can use context clues to figure out the matching synonyms.
You can also use parts of speech to identify the matching synonyms. For example, if the underlined word is a verb, we can determine that the Master Word is a verb.
Answers Step by Step
- 1. A companion dog who thinks he is "top dog" needs to be trained into surrender of his assumed power.
Answer: relinquishment
Definition: the act of giving up something such as a responsibility, claim, or possession
- 2. Companion dogs should be obedient and look up to their owners as leader of the pack.
Answer: compliant
Definition: inclined to agree with others or obey rules, especially to an excessive degree; acquiescent.
- 3. Good dog trainers do not scare their dogs into obedience.
Answer: intimidate
Definition: frighten or overawe a person
- 4. Instead, they achieve results by using positive reinforcement.
Answer: obtain
Definition: to get, acquire, or secure
- 5. Before choosing a training school, conduct an investigation of the programs offered in your area to find one that uses positive reinforcement.
Answer: reconnaissance
Definition: preliminary surveying or research.
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