Angular velocity = 93.33 radians/second
Revolutions per minute = 1,782.51 revolutions per minute
The relation between angular velocity, ω and linear velocity, v is given by the equation

where ω is in radians per second
v = m/s
and r is the radius (m) of the circular motion, in this case, the radius of the tire
Given v = 28 m/s and r = 0.300 m
we get

Since 2π radians make a full revolution, 93.33 radians/sec = 93.33 ÷ 2π = 29.708 revolutions per second
To get the revolutions per minute, multiply this by 60 since there are 60 seconds to a minute:
29.708 x 60 = 1,782.51 revolutions per minute