Step-by-step explanation:
Setting: A small suburban neighborhood in the early morning.
Mrs. Jenkins - An elderly woman who lives in the neighborhood.
Sarah - A young girl who is a friend of Mrs. Jenkins.
Mrs. Thompson - A neighbor who often has conflicts with Mrs. Jenkins.
Mr. Smith - A delivery man who is delivering flowers to Mrs. Jenkins.
Inciting event/action/conflict: Mrs. Jenkins discovers that the flowers she was expecting to receive were smushed on her doorstep.
Point of view: Third person limited.
Conflict: Mrs. Jenkins is confused and upset by the flowers being destroyed and wants to find out who is responsible.
Plot Sequence:
Mrs. Jenkins wakes up early in the morning and walks to her front door to retrieve her daily newspaper.
She discovers that the flowers she was expecting to receive are smushed on her doorstep.
Sarah, who is a friend of Mrs. Jenkins, sees her upset and walks over to see what happened.
Mrs. Jenkins explains to Sarah that she had ordered the flowers for her granddaughter’s birthday, and they were ruined before they could even be delivered.
Sarah tries to cheer her up by saying that they will find out who did it and make them pay for the flowers.
Mrs. Jenkins remembers that she had a conflict with Mrs. Thompson the previous day, and she is convinced that she is the one responsible for destroying the flowers.
Sarah and Mrs. Jenkins go over to Mrs. Thompson’s house to confront her, but she denies any involvement.
Mr. Smith, the delivery man, arrives and explains that the flowers were destroyed in transit, and he had nothing to do with it.
Mrs. Jenkins is disappointed but grateful that Mr. Smith was honest with her.
Sarah decides to buy Mrs. Jenkins a new bouquet of flowers to make up for the ruined ones.
Mrs. Jenkins is overjoyed and thanks Sarah for her kindness.
The two friends enjoy the new flowers together, and Mrs. Jenkins forgets about the ruined ones.
The story ends with Mrs. Jenkins and Sarah enjoying the new flowers, and Mrs. Jenkins is no longer upset about the ruined ones. She is grateful for Sarah’s kindness and is reminded that there is still good in the world