Question 4.
Read the following passage from Catherine Beecher's A Treatise on Domestic Economy before you choose your answer.
(1) The tendencies of democratic institutions, in reference to the rights and interests of the female sex, have been fully developed in the United States; and it is in this aspect, that the subject is one of peculiar interest to American women. (2) In this Country, it is established, both by opinion and by practice, that women have an equal interest in all social and civil concerns; and that no domestic, civil, or political, institution is right, that sacrifices her interest to promote that of the other sex. (3) But in order to secure her the more firmly in all these privileges, it is decided, that in the domestic relation, she take a subordinate station, and that, in civil and political concerns, her interests be intrusted to the other sex, without her taking any part in voting, or in making and administering laws. (4) The result of this order of things has been fairly tested, and is thus portrayed by M. De Tocqueville, a writer, who, for intelligence, fidelity, and ability, ranks second to noneā¦.
In sentence 3 (reproduced below), the writer is considering deleting the text in bold.
But in order to secure her the more firmly in all these privileges, it is decided, that in the domestic relation, she take a subordinate station, and that, in civil and political concerns, her interests be intrusted to the other sex, without her taking any part in voting, or in making and administering laws.
Should the writer keep or delete the bolded text?
A.)Keep it, because it provides a reason for the subordinate position described later in the sentence.
B.)Keep it, because it supports the claim that women have an equal interest in all social and civil concerns.
C.) Delete it, because it interferes with the flow of the paragraph and introduces irrelevant detail.
D.)Delete it, because it introduces a tone that contradicts the tone of the rest of the passage.