The mandatory school attendance age should be age 5:
a. Outline: I, Introduction, A. Background information on current mandatory school attendance age, B. Reasons for changing the age to 5, C. Counterarguments, D. Conclusion
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to changing the mandatory school attendance age to 5
c. Listing: Pros of changing the age to 5, Cons of changing the age to 5
All drivers should wear seat belts:
a. Listing: Reasons for wearing seat belts, Consequences of not wearing seat belts
b. Outline: I. Introduction, A. Overview of seat belt use, B. Importance of wearing seat belts, C. Counterarguments, D. Conclusion
c. Free Writing: Continuous writing for a set amount of time on the topic of seat belt use, including personal experiences and observations
Bicyclists should not be allowed on the roads:
a. Outline: I. Introduction, A. Overview of current laws regarding bicycling on roads, B. Reasons for banning bicycles from roads, C. Counterarguments, D. Conclusion
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to banning bicycles from roads
c. Listing: Advantages of banning bicycles from roads, Disadvantages of banning bicycles from roads
The best day of my life was when...
a. Free Writing: Continuous writing for a set amount of time on the topic of the best day of my life, including details and emotions associated with the event
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to the best day of my life
c. Listing: Key events, feelings, and sensations from the best day of my life
The worst day of my life was when...
a. Free Writing: Continuous writing for a set amount of time on the topic of the worst day of my life, including details and emotions associated with the event
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to the worst day of my life
c. Listing: Key events, feelings, and sensations from the worst day of my life
Caring for puppies can be time consuming:
a. Outline: I. Introduction, A. Overview of caring for puppies, B. Importance of time commitment, C. Examples of time-consuming tasks, D. Conclusion
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to caring for puppies
c. Listing: Tasks involved in caring for puppies, time required for each task
Harvesting the oranges is a huge task:
a. Outline: I. Introduction, A. Overview of orange harvesting, B. Scale of the task, C. Examples of challenges, D. Conclusion
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to orange harvesting
c. Listing: Steps involved in harvesting oranges, physical and logistical challenges associated with the task
Our airplane flight was long and tedious:
a. Free Writing: Continuous writing for a set amount of time on the topic of the airplane flight, including details and emotions associated with the experience
b. Mind mapping: visual representation of ideas and connections related to the airplane flight
c. Listing: Key events, feelings, and sensations from the flight, reasons why the flight was long and tedious.
A trip to the zoo is always an adventure:
a. Outline: I. Introduction, A. Overview of trips to