4 votes
First, read a draft of an essay, "Two Critiques of Imperialism." This essay was written in response to an assignment asking the writer to examine how Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels use the strengths of their respective genres to critique imperialism.

Revise the essay to make it clearer and more persuasive. Try to make the use of rhetorical devices more effective, the tone more consistent, and the transitions more organized.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
A clear introduction with a persuasive thesis statement
Clear, concise supporting reasons that convincingly defend the thesis
Well-written commentary to defend your reasons and evidence
Appropriate transitions between and within paragraphs
A concluding paragraph that recaps main points and makes the essay feel finished
At least one trope and one scheme

1 Answer

3 votes


Step-by-step explanation:

Imperialism, the extension of a nation's power through colonization, exploitation, and domination of other territories and peoples, has been a topic of great concern for centuries. Two works of literature that effectively critique imperialism are Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Through their respective genres of the novella and satire, these works use the strengths of their genres to provide insightful and powerful critiques of imperialism.

Heart of Darkness, a novella written by Joseph Conrad, explores the corruption and dehumanization brought about by imperialism in the Congo. The protagonist, Marlow, travels up the Congo River to find the enigmatic and mad Kurtz, an ivory trader who has become a god-like figure to the local people. Through Marlow's journey and interactions with other characters, Conrad effectively critiques the cruelty and exploitation that is inherent in imperialism. The darkness of the novella's title serves as a metaphor for the moral decay and decadence that is brought about by imperialism.

Similarly, Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels uses satire to critique imperialism. The protagonist, Lemuel Gulliver, travels to several fantastical lands and encounters a number of different societies, many of which are critiques of European imperialism. For example, in the land of the Houyhnhnms, horses are the ruling class and the Yahoos, who represent humans, are treated as inferior beings. Through this land, Swift critiques the European colonizers' belief in their own superiority and their treatment of colonized peoples as inferior. In another example, Gulliver travels to the island of Luggnagg where the inhabitants are Struldbrugs, people who are born immortal. This land critiques the idea of eternal life, which was popular among European imperialists, and suggests that living forever is not a blessing, but a curse.

In conclusion, both Heart of Darkness and Gulliver's Travels effectively use the strengths of their respective genres to provide insightful and powerful critiques of imperialism. Conrad's novella explores the dehumanization and corruption brought about by imperialism, while Swift's satire critiques European imperialism's belief in their own superiority and the idea of eternal life. Through these works, the authors provide a clear and compelling critique of imperialism that is still relevant today.

In terms of rhetorical devices, both authors use irony to great effect. In Heart of Darkness, Marlow's journey up the Congo River is meant to symbolize a journey into the heart of darkness, or the corrupt heart of imperialism. Swift uses irony in Gulliver's Travels by having the horses in the land of the Houyhnhnms be the ruling class and the Yahoos, who represent humans, be treated as inferior beings. This irony highlights the absurdity of European imperialism and their belief in their own superiority.

In conclusion, Heart of Darkness and Gulliver's Travels effectively use the strengths of their respective genres to provide insightful and powerful critiques of imperialism. Through their use of irony, the authors provide a clear and compelling critique of imperialism that is still relevant today. The authors' critiques serve as a reminder of the dangers of imperialism and its negative impact on the colonized peoples and territories.


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