In Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Marlow's attitude towards Kurtz is complex and constantly evolving. At the beginning of the novel, Marlow is intrigued by Kurtz and sees him as a remarkable man. He is curious about Kurtz's reputation as a brilliant and talented man who has achieved great success in the Company's ivory trade. Marlow is also impressed by Kurtz's physical appearance, describing him as "a voice...a was a voice..."
As Marlow progresses on his journey to the Inner Station, he begins to form a negative opinion of Kurtz. He is disturbed by the practices of the Company, which he sees as brutal and inhumane, and he becomes disillusioned with the entire colonial enterprise. Marlow is also horrified by the condition of the African people and the exploitation that takes place. This disillusionment causes Marlow to begin to question Kurtz's character and his true motivations.
Despite his negative opinions of Kurtz, Marlow continues to be drawn to him. This can be seen in Marlow's fascination with Kurtz's illness and his obsession with his final words. Marlow is also intrigued by Kurtz's personal papers and the insights they provide into his character. Marlow becomes determined to bring Kurtz's papers back to Europe and give them to Kurtz's fiancé, in order to shed light on Kurtz's true character.
As Marlow finally reaches the Inner Station and meets Kurtz, his attitude towards him becomes even more complex. On one hand, Marlow is repulsed by Kurtz's physical condition and the evil that he has unleashed on the African people. However, Marlow is also deeply moved by Kurtz's final moments, in which he utters the famous words, "The horror! The horror!" Marlow is deeply affected by Kurtz's realization of the evil he has committed and the guilt that he feels.
In conclusion, Marlow's attitude towards Kurtz is complex and multifaceted. At different times throughout the novel, Marlow sees Kurtz as a remarkable man, a monster, and a tragic figure. Marlow's journey to the Inner Station and his encounter with Kurtz force him to confront the harsh realities of imperialism and the evil that can be unleashed when men are given unchecked power. Through Marlow's journey, Heart of Darkness reveals the dangers of imperialism and the complex moral ambiguities that it creates.
Your lucky because I already ready this many many times :)