Option 2: Write a narrative detailing a new trial for Odysseus. Create a new destination and challenge that he must overcome. Use imagery to describe how the destination looks/smells/tastes/sounds/feels and also to describe Odysseus' struggle in the destination. The narrative must also include dialogue between characters. The trial may take place at any point before his return to Ithaca. (minimum 3 page double-spaced narrative in 12-point Times New Roman font.)
Step-by-step explanation:
Option 2: Write a narrative detailing a new trial for Odysseus. Create a new destination and challenge that he must overcome. Use imagery to describe how the destination looks/smells/tastes/sounds/feels and also to describe Odysseus' struggle in the destination. The narrative must also include dialogue between characters. The trial may take place at any point before his return to Ithaca. (minimum 3 page double-spaced narrative in 12-point Times New Roman font.)