Answer: Once upon a time, there lived a narcissistic man named Mark who lived a life of decadence and excess. He was often choleric and would lampoon anyone who dared to get in his way. One day, Mark heard about a wealthy farmer who stored all his crops in a large granary. Mark saw this as an opportunity to bilk the farmer and made a plan to eradicate the granary's contents.
However, as Mark approached the granary, he saw something that made him aghast. The granary was emitting a ghastly stench, and upon closer inspection, Mark found that all the crops were ruined. Mark's plan was foiled, and he was overcome with a qualm of guilt for fabricating such a scheme.
The farmer, who was a wise and pious man, gave Mark a homily about the importance of hard work and honesty. Mark was so touched by the farmer's words that he decided to work alongside him, mending the granary and planting new crops. The farmer taught Mark the value of a hard day's work, and Mark was no longer impeded by his decadent ways.
In the end, Mark realized that true happiness could not be fabricated and that his previous ways of life led to nothing but his own demise. He lived a humble and fulfilling life from that day forward, grateful for the farmer's guidance and wisdom.
Explanation: :D