WARNING: Text may contain sensitive content
Jeff Gundy’s creative nonfiction piece, “Hum”, is a reflective essay on the importance of nature and how it can bring solace to our lives. The tone of this essay is one that is peaceful and contemplative. It conveys the idea that there are lessons we can learn from nature if we take time to observe and appreciate it in its beauty. Throughout the essay, Gundy develops this tone by using imagery to describe his experience with nature as well as providing examples from Scripture about God's relationship with creation.
Gundy begins his description of being outdoors in a way that evokes feelings of peace: "The sun was warm on my face; I could smell rain-dampened grass." This image creates an atmosphere where readers feel connected to what he experiences while outside - something many people have experienced before but may not have taken time out for lately due to busy schedules or other obligations. He then goes further into detail describing sounds such as birds singing which adds more depth into creating a serene setting for readers who may be feeling overwhelmed by their own life situations or stressed out at work/school etc..
In addition, Gundy uses biblical references throughout “Hum” which helps create an even deeper sense of calmness because these passages remind us all how much God loves us and cares about our wellbeing - no matter what struggles we might face along life's journey: "I thought again about Jesus walking among wildflowers...and remembered too Isaiah 40:11—'He tends His flock like shepherd.'" These quotes emphasize how important it is for us all take moments each day (or week) just sit back enjoy some fresh air so that we can reconnect ourselves spiritually with both God & Nature .
Overall Jeff Gundy has crafted an incredibly thoughtful piece through his use vivid descriptions coupled together with meaningful scripture passages —allowing readers everywhere pause think deeply reflect upon what truly matters most within their own lives!
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