A chemical bond forms when there is a net attractive force between two or more atoms due to the interaction of their electrons. This attractive force results from the balancing of two opposing forces: electron-electron repulsions and electron-nucleus attractions.
Step-by-step explanation:
The repulsion between electrons arises from their negatively charged nature, which results in a repulsive force when two electrons are close together. On the other hand, the attraction between electrons and nuclei is due to the positively charged nuclei attracting the negatively charged electrons.
When the attractive force between electrons and nuclei overcomes the repulsive force between electrons, the energy of the system decreases, and a chemical bond is formed. This decrease in energy is reflected in a lower potential energy of the system, indicating that the bond is more stable than the individual atoms.
Therefore, the formation of a chemical bond can be understood as the result of an attractive force between the electrons and nuclei of the atoms, which leads to a decrease in potential energy and a more stable, lower-energy state.