Step-by-step explanation:
The greatest day of my life is when I got into a relationship with my loved one.
So, let's start with how I met her. So we both met through an each-others best friend
and yeah during the starting point, we both were friends and I got a crush on her but I never disclosed it after some months I got to know that she also has a crush on me and I thought of proposing to her and I proposed to her but she refused because her exam was going on but I didn't lose the hope after slowly we became best friends and we use to talk late night sometimes we can't even sleep. the days were going smoothly.
And the day came she completed her exam and at night at a regular time we were talking and she proposed to me. and I was like oh god the dream came true the girl I want coming into my life because she is the angel of my life who has changed me from my bad behavior to my good behavior and made me a good person.
Now we both are a happy couple, even though we have a long-distance relationship because we have trust in each other and yeah she is a very mature girl and sometimes I get angry too much but she handles me very properly.