Cause: After months of fierce fighting, Allied troops who had been defending Bataan in the Philippines surrendered on April 9, 1942.
Effect: D
Cause: James Doolittle led a daring raid of sixteen American bombers launched from an aircraft carrier in the Pacific to bomb Tokyo.
Effect: F
Cause: In June 1944 American forces captured Guam and other islands nearby, providing a base for launching bombing strikes on Japan.
Effect: F
Cause: American bombers pounded Tokyo and other Japanese cities, killing thousands of civilians and crippling Japan's economy.
Effect: A
Cause: In 1939 German-born physicist Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the President warning him that the Nazis might try to build new types of powerful bombs.
Effect: C
Cause: Harry S. Truman, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin issued the Potsdam Declaration, warning that if Japan did not surrender it would face "prompt and utter destruction." Japan ignored the warning.
Effect: E
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