Standard notation: 329.01
In standard notation, the digits are read from left to right, and each digit represents a different place value. The first digit, 3, represents the hundreds place, the second digit, 2, represents the tens place, the third digit, 9, represents the ones place, the fourth digit, 0, represents the tenths place and the fifth digit, 1, represents the hundredths place.
3100 + 210 + 91 + 00.1 + 1*0.01 = 329 + 20 + 9 + 0 + 0.01 = 329.01
Scientific notation: 3.2901 x 10^2
In scientific notation, the number is written as a decimal number multiplied by a power of 10. The decimal number, 3.2901, represents the coefficient and the power of 10, 10^2, represents the exponent.
3.2901 x 10^2 = 3.2901 x 100 = 329.01
Expanded notation: 3100 + 210 + 91 + 00.1 + 10.01
In expanded notation, the number is written as the sum of each digit multiplied by its corresponding place value.
3100 + 210 + 91 + 00.1 + 10.01 = 329 + 20 + 9 + 0 + 0.01 = 329.01
Fractional notation: 32901/10000
In fractional notation, the number is written as a ratio of two integers. The numerator represents the value of the number, and the denominator represents the place value of the last digit.
32901/10000 = 329.01
Decimal notation: 32901 in base 10
In decimal notation, the number is written as a whole number in base 10. The number can be represented as a combination of digits ranging from 0 to 9.
32901 = 329.01
All the 5 different ways of representation are mathematically equivalent and represent the same number 329.01, they are all different ways of expressing the same value and they all show the understanding of the place value system.