Answer: Yes, it is possible to find Permian rocks beneath Devonian rocks.
Explanation: The Permian and Devonian are both geological time periods that occurred during different eras in Earth's history. The Devonian period occurred between approximately 419 million and 359 million years ago, while the Permian period occurred between approximately 299 million and 252 million years ago.
Through the study of stratigraphy, geologists understand the order and relative ages of different rock layers (strata) in a given area. These geologists use the principle of superposition, which states that in an undisturbed sequence of sedimentary rocks, the youngest rocks such as Permian rocks, are found on top, while the oldest rocks, such as Devonian rocks, are found at the bottom.
Despite the typical sequence of sedimentary rocks, it is possible that Perimian rocks can be beneath Devonian rocks through geological processes, such as folding, faulting, and erosion. These processes can disrupt the original order of rock layers, causing older rocks to be found on top of younger rocks in certain areas.