True. Verbal and non-verbal communication are both important when resolving a problem.
Step-by-step explanation:
Verbal communication involves the use of language, whether spoken or written, to convey information and express thoughts and feelings. It is important in problem-solving because it allows people to share information, express their perspectives, and negotiate solutions.
Non-verbal communication, on the other hand, involves the use of body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to convey meaning. It is important in problem-solving because it can convey a person's emotions, level of confidence, and level of agreement or disagreement.
Both verbal and non-verbal communication are important because they complement each other and provide a more complete picture of the message being conveyed. Misinterpretation of non-verbal cues can lead to misunderstandings, and verbal communication alone may not convey emotions, agreement or level of confidence.
Therefore, it is important for all involved parties to be aware of and understand both verbal and non-verbal communication when resolving a problem.