National FORESTS
The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 gave the President authority to create forest reserves. The Yellowstone Timberland Reserve initially included the Shoshone National Forest, which has been set apart.
Forests were transferred from the Department of Interior to the Department of Agriculture in 1905. US Forest Service was founded.
Yellowstone National Park was created as the first national park in 1872.
The National Park Service was founded in 1916.
National Parks - Department of Interior National Forests - Department of Agriculture
National Forests - The USDA Forest Service's goal is to preserve the nation's forests and grasslands' health, variety, and productivity in order to satisfy the demands of both the present and the coming generations.
National Forest land is maintained "to offer the greatest amount of benefit for the largest number of people in the long term," according to Gifford Pinchot, the first Chief of the Forest Service.
National Parks - For the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of the current and following generations, the National Park Service protects the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System without deterioration.
AREA 193 million acres, according to the U.S. Forest Service 84 million acres (55 million in Alaska), 155 national forests, 20 national grasslands, and 1 national tallgrass prairie national park system 397 locations, including the White House, the White House National Memorial, 58 National Parks, monuments, battlefields, military parks, historical parks, historic sites, lakeshores, seashores, leisure areas, beautiful rivers, and pathways
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