To establish whether wood is being removed at a sustainable rate, a number of indicators can be employed. These consist of:
Forest cover: The amount of forest cover in a region might reveal whether or not wood is being taken at a sustainable rate. It may be a sign that wood is being extracted at a rate that is not sustainable if forest cover is dwindling over time.
Volume of wood taken out of a forest: The amount of wood taken out of a forest can show whether or not wood is being removed at a sustainable rate. If the amount of wood removed exceeds the amount of wood that has been regrown, this can mean that the amount of wood being removed is increasing faster than it can be replaced.
Biodiversity: The variety of plant and animal species in a forest might reveal whether or not timber is being extracted at a sustainable rate. If the variety of animal and plant species is dwindling over time, it can mean that the rate at which wood is being extracted is unsustainable.
In a forest, the condition of the soil might reveal whether or not the amount of wood being removed is sustainable. If the soil is deteriorating over time, it can be a sign that too much wood is being cut down.