In order to put it another way, a string is accepted by a DFA if and only if the DFA, starting at the initial state, ends in an accepting state after reading the string. If and only if L = w | *(q0, w) A, a DFA Q,, q0,, A > will accept a language L.
The language should be (0 + 1)*01 since DFA accepts all strings with the character "01" as their end. As a result, 1, 0 * 0, 0 1 is the right response. Option 1: Including "01" at the end.
For example, "01,001,101,0001,0101,1001,1101,... Deterministic finite automata, or DFA, are used. Deterministic describes how the calculation was unique. If a machine reads an input string one symbol at a time, the finite automata are deterministic FA. There is only one path input from the DFAs.