1. Adam Smith's economic theory, also known as classical liberalism or laissez-faire economics, emphasizes the benefits of free markets and minimal government intervention. This can lead to increased economic efficiency and growth, as well as greater individual freedom.
2. Smith's theory also recognizes the role of self-interest in driving economic activity, and argues that this can lead to the "invisible hand" of the market directing resources to their most efficient uses. This can lead to increased prosperity for society as a whole.
3. Smith's theory also emphasizes the importance of division of labor, which can lead to increased productivity and economic growth.
Reasons why Karl Marx's economic theory is not the most beneficial to society:
1. Marx's theory, also known as socialism or communism, advocates for the collective ownership of the means of production and the elimination of private property. This can lead to a lack of incentives for individuals to work hard and innovate, resulting in a decrease in economic growth and prosperity.
2. Marx's theory also calls for a central government to heavily regulate and control the economy, which can lead to inefficiencies, lack of innovation, and lack of personal freedom.
3. Marx's theory also assumes that the working class will inevitably rise up and overthrow the capitalist class, which is not always the case in reality and can lead to political instability and violence.