You must use the scientific method!
Here is the scientific method with steps and examples:
1. Observation- You put a slice of bread in the toaster for breakfast but your toaster doesn't toast the bread...for some reason.
2. Question- Why in the world did my bread not turn into toast??!
3. Hypothesis- "I THINK" the power outlet must be broken
4. Prediction- If I switch the toaster to the outlet across the kitchen it will work.
5. Testing the prediction/ Experiment- You move the toaster across the kitchen and plug it into another outlet. If that works then yippie! (hypothesis supported)It was just the outlet and you can have toast. If that doesn't work (hypothesis not supported) you can formulate a new hypothesis such as " Hmm this toaster must be broken"
6. Iteration- This is where you reflect and decide your next steps. If your toaster worked and you do not care about the outlet you will just carry on with your day. If your toaster does not work, you can repeat these steps to figure out what is going on.
Hope this helps!