Multiplication: To represent the total cost of purchasing a certain number of items at a specific price, you could use the expression "number of items * price per item". For example, if you want to find the total cost of buying 5 items that cost $10 each, the expression would be "5 * 10 = 50".
Division: To represent the number of slices of pizza each person will receive, you could use the expression "total number of slices / number of people". For example, if you have 12 slices of pizza and 4 people, the expression would be "12 / 4 = 3".
Addition: To represent the total distance traveled, you could use the expression "distance traveled in one direction + distance traveled in the other direction". For example, if you drive 10 miles to a location and then drive 20 miles back home, the expression would be "10 + 20 = 30".
Subtraction: To represent the change in temperature, you could use the expression "final temperature - initial temperature". For example, if the temperature starts at 72 degrees Fahrenheit and then drops to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, the expression would be "55 - 72 = -17".