According to the CIA Factbook and the Pew Research Center, the five countries with the largest number of Catholics are, in decreasing order of Catholic population :
United States.
Indonesia (231,000,000)
Pakistan (212,300,000)
India (200,000,000)
Bangladesh (153,700,000)
Nigeria (95,000,000–103,000,000)
Egypt (85,000,000–90,000,000)
Iran (82,500,000)
Turkey (74,432,725)
Algeria (41,240,913)
Sudan (39,585,777)
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Muslims (2021):
Maldives (100%)
Mauritania (99.9%)
Somalia (99.8% - tie)
Tunisia (99.8% - tie)
Afghanistan (99.7% - tie)
Algeria (99.7% - tie)
Iran (99.4%)
Yemen (99.2%)
Morocco (99%)
Niger (98.3%)
Although Muslims can be found all over the world, the majority live in northern and central Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Many countries in these regions are more than 90% Muslim, including Egypt, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran. Any country in which Muslims make up 50% or more of the population is considered a Muslim majority country.