a ratio is simply relating 2 (or more) groups and their sizes.
in our case here the ratio is
4/14 = 2/7
this is often written as
4:14 = 2:7
it means that for every 2 people liking (I assume "preferring") vanilla ice cream there are 7 people liking (preferring) chocolate ice cream.
in total, a ratio also tells us about the size of the sample for the observation or analysis. 4/14 tells us there are 18 (4+14) people in the survey. and the simplified form 2/7 tells us that we can split the whole survey group into units of 9 (2+7) people with the same behavior as the total group.
a ratio is a fraction (incl. all the calculation and comparison rules) with a special meaning.
so, don't mix the ratio up with e.g. the fractions of the different behaviors in the group :
4/18 = 2/9 of the whole group prefer vanilla.
14/18 = 7/9 of the whole group prefer chocolate.
the ratio is now the relative size relationship between both : 2/9 / 7/9 = 2/7