1. Physical and physiological barriers
These include distance, background noise, poor or malfunctioning equipment, bad hearing, poor eyesight, speech impediments.
2. Emotional and cultural noise
Emotions (anger, fear, sadness) and attitudes (having to be right all the time, believing oneself to be superior or inferior to others) affect objectivity, as do the stereotypical assumptions that people make about each other based on cultural background.
3. Language
Speaking different languages, having strong accents, using slang or jargon can frustrate communication and negotiation efforts.
4. Nothing or little in common
Examples, stories and anecdotes can help get a point across, except when the audience cannot relate to any of these because they don’t share a common experience with the speaker.
5. Lack of eye contact
Not making eye contact is a sure way of raising doubt in listeners and losing their attention and making them feel suspicious of you, not to mention invisible.
6. Information overload and lack of focus
Too much information can confuse your audience and even make them wonder if you’re overwhelming them with details to avoid telling them something else they would rather know.
7. Not being prepared, lack of credibility
If you’re not prepared, if you lack the facts, if you rely on your Power Point presentation too much, your listeners will notice and feel let down, even disrespected–and they won’t believe you.
8. Talking too much
When you talk, you’re not listening, and you need to listen to the people you’re attempting to persuade.
9. Trying too hard, seeming desperate
When you try too hard to persuade someone, you may seem desperate, and desperation smells like manipulation and turns people off before you can utter your next desperate word.
10. Lack of enthusiasm
If you don’t believe in your position, product, service, or whatever you’re trying to sell, they won’t believe in it either.