The tone of the quote is one of anxiety and nervousness. The narrator is starting high school and is feeling unsure and uncomfortable, as evidenced by her mention of the stomachache and the skirt she hates. It is possible that the narrator will maintain this tone throughout the first section as she navigates the newness and uncertainty of high school. However, it is also possible that the tone may change as the narrator becomes more comfortable and confident in her new environment.
The significance of the narrator using Mr. Freeman's real name, as opposed to a creative nickname, could be that the narrator views him differently from the other teachers. Mr. Freeman could be a teacher that the narrator respects or admires, and using his real name is a way of showing this respect. Additionally, using his real name could also be a way of emphasizing the importance of art and the art teacher in the narrator's life, as the use of real names is typically reserved for people who are important or significant in some way.