Answer: Definitions of the given terms are written below:
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Bicameral - Bicameral describes structures with two chambers, homes, or branches. The Latin roots "bi" for two and "cameral" for chamber are the origin of the word "bicameral." Two houses of the legislature, such as the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha in the Indian parliamentary system, are referred to as a "bicameral legislature."
2. Republic- A republic is a country where the people, or the representatives they elect, hold the reins of power. In contrast to monarchs or queens in monarchies, presidents in republics are elected.
3. Amendment - An amendment is a change or addition to the terms of a contract, law, government regulatory filing, or other documents.
4. Constitution - A state's constitution acts as its rulebook, outlining the fundamental values that direct its governance. It provides an overview of the state's primary institutions and outlines their interrelationships. It establishes the rights and obligations of citizens and provides restrictions on the exercise of power of the state's governing body.
5. Ratify - Ratify refers to the act of approving or enacting a binding law that would not otherwise be enforceable without such approval.
6. Compromise - Compromise is a method of settling a disagreement wherein each individual or group surrenders something they had previously desired.
7. Enlightenment - Enlightenment is the state of having knowledge or understanding something.
8. Checks and Balances - Check and Balances is a syestem where separate arms of government are given the authority to stop other departments from acting and are encouraged to share power . Constitutional governments are the main context in which checks and balances are used.
9. Depression - Depression is a phrase that is being used to describe the phenomenon of unusually strong feelings of grief, fear, and helplessness that result from distressing social and political events.
10. Federals - Federal is a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent units. It refers to having a system of administration in which a country's various states have control over their own issues but are under the direction of a central government for decisions affecting the entire country, etc.