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I need to write an argumentative essay about how the judicial system is too lenient on the termination of parental rights (as in, they don’t terminate parental rights nearly as much as they should). I need some arguments for people who agree with this. Please help. It’s due Feb 10th.

User Dalcantara
6.6k points

2 Answers

4 votes


Step-by-step explanation:

Parental rights are—and should remain—the backbone of family law.

State deference to parents is warranted not because parents are infallible, nor

because parents own their children, but rather because parental rights,

properly understood and limited, promote child wellbeing.1 This is true for

several reasons, but two stand out. First, parental rights promote the stability

of the parent-child relationship by restricting the state’s authority to intervene

in families. This protection promotes healthy child development for all

children, and it is especially important for low-income families and families

of color, who are subject to intensive state scrutiny.2 Second, parental rights

ensure that parents, rather than a private third party or state actor such as a

judge or social worker, make decisions about what advances a child’s

interests. The legal system defers to parents’ decisions both because parents

are well positioned to know what an individual child needs, and because state

intervention to vindicate the decision-making power of a nonparent would

expose the child to significant risks of family disruption and contentious


There are clear limits to parental rights, however, and the child-wellbeing

rationale for these rights, which we describe in this Essay, provides a

self-limiting principle. Unlike the traditional libertarian justification for

parental rights,4 the child-wellbeing rationale centers the interests of children. When a parent’s conduct poses a significant risk to a child, the state

may intervene, even when the parent’s actions are based on religious beliefs.5

And when there is broad societal consensus about what children need—such

as education and health care—the state properly preempts parental authority,

requiring all parents to send their children to school and to obtain necessary

medical care.6 But in many other instances, especially where there is no

societal consensus, the law properly defers to parental judgments, at least for

young children.7 (As we explain in this Essay, adolescents do and should

have more autonomy over some matters.)8 This deference to parents is

especially important for marginalized families because the judgments of

other parties may reflect bias and dominant parenting norms.9

Some scholars contend that to promote children’s interests, the legal

system should limit—rather than reinforce—parental rights.10 We share

these scholars’ commitment to the goal of promoting child and family

wellbeing, but we are concerned about their proposed means. Perhaps most

critically, these scholars underestimate the risk of displacing parental

judgment. Given the inability of young children to make consequential

decisions for themselves, the law can either defer to a parent’s decision or

substitute parental judgment with that of judges, social workers, and other

government actors who are strangers to the child.11 There is no reason to

believe these actors are better positioned to make decisions, and the process

of supplanting the parent can inflict harm on the parent-child relationship.

Alternatively, these scholars argue, the state could expand the role of third

parties in some circumstances. Third parties may know the child better than

government actors, but the process of enforcing third parties’ judgments over

the decisions of parents can also inflict harm on the child and still requires

government actors, such as judges, to determine who is better positioned to

make decisions for the child. In short, in our view, weakening parental rights

would create substantial disruption in families and harm children, especially

children in communities of color, who already experience heavy-handed

intrusion by the state.12

In this Essay, we demonstrate the enduring importance of parental rights,

building on previous scholarship as well as our work drafting the American

Law Institute’s Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law.13 In Part I,

we explain why parental rights promote child wellbeing and thus should Restatement clarifies that the core principle and goal of modern regulation is

the promotion of child wellbeing.21

Several features distinguish what we call the “Child Wellbeing

framework” of legal regulation.22 To begin, legal rules and policies are

increasingly informed by psychological and biological research on child and

adolescent development, as well as growing empirical evidence about the

effectiveness of policy interventions.

User Angelatlarge
6.8k points
2 votes
You can explain how too many parents are allowed to abuse their children through gender dysmorphia issues. An example can be, a parent that is allowing their gender-confused child to physically transition to the opposite gender. This procedure would include removing body parts which is very harmful to kids. You could argue that the judicial system should terminate parents' rights to encourage gender transition surgery and instead allow the child to wait until they can make the choice on their own at the age of 18.
User Jay Jung
7.6k points