I'll just remind you of what censorship is really quick. :)
"The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered politically unacceptable..."
So naturally for an argumentative essay, you would be arguing for or against censorship. If you choose one, you'd be researching for the pros and/or cons of censorship.
An ideal outline: (I've done a few of these in the past, and normally your teacher gives you a rubric for them. So I'll give you a basic structure of an argumentative essay and leave the rest for you!)
- Intro/summary of your topic, and your thesis. Example thesis: [some book] is a utopia, for three main reasons; [reason 1], [reason 2], and [reason 3]. You'd be doing a reason 1, 2 and 3 for your thesis statement to introduce your essay.
- Explain your reason 1 you mentioned in your thesis statement. Use research for this! Use direct quotes from the source. At the end, cite your source. Format for citing sources:
Author. (Date published). Site name. Publisher/Sponsor. Retrieved date [when you found the source], from [group or logo name]
- Explain your reason 2 you mentioned in your thesis statement. Research for this also! Use the citing source format above.
- Explain your reason 3 you mentioned in your thesis statement. Use research/direct quotes. Again, cite your sources in your bibliography.
Then, do some opposite statements. Say things like, "Some people/sources say this about [the topic you're doing]." Then list reasons why it's wrong or incorrect, and argue for your point and against theirs.
Conclude in paragraph 6. Restate your thesis and write why your point is right. BIG side note: Do not do ANY MORE RESEARCH in your conclusion. Do NOT state any more research than what you said in your previous paragraphs.
Let me know if you need anything else! :)