Answer: The truth will set you free if you stop looking at your past and lost opportunities to the new thing that God is willing to do in your life.
The truth will set you free if you stop thinking that you are good enough and instead come to God realising that like everyone else you too are a sinner in need of God’s mercy.
The truth will set you free if you are ready to give up the spirit of despair you entertain in your mind and exchange it for a clothing of praise and joy that God wants to gift you with. The truth will set you free if you are willing to believe that God invests in people who count themselves failures and will build a future for you even when others have rejected you.
The truth will set you free if you can remember that at no point in life are you outside God’s love, outside God’s reach, and outside God’s care and compassion and mighty power to help.
The truth will set you free if the only thing you have to offer God is a broken heart; the only prayer you can bring him is “Have mercy on me,” and the only promise you can make is “I love you, O God.”
The truth will set you free if you can look at the cross and see the forgiving love of God and trust that he hung there bleeding in your place and there is nothing that will separate you from his love; ever!
Step-by-step explanation: