Here is an example of a void method named updateNumSides that takes a RegularPolygon object and an integer as parameters and sets the number of sides of the polygon to the integer:
public class RegularPolygon {
private int numSides;
// other fields and methods
public void updateNumSides(RegularPolygon polygon, int num) {
polygon.numSides = num;
You can test the method by calling it in the main method and passing a RegularPolygon object and an integer as arguments:
public static void main(String[] args) {
RegularPolygon polygon = new RegularPolygon();
updateNumSides(polygon, 6);
System.out.println(polygon.getNumSides()); // should print 6
Note that the RegularPolygon class should have a getter method for the numSides variable.
It's important to comment or remove the main method before checking your code for a score.