Let's calculate the probabilities of John and Ryan hitting the target center
Let P(J) and P(R) be the respective probability representations
For John
John hits the center 1 time for every 3 tries(arrows)

Out of 30 arrows (and therefore 30 attempts) the expected number of times that John can hit the center is given by

Since you need to hit the center more than 10 times, John is not expected to win the merit badge
For Ryan
Ryan Hits the center 2 times for every 5 arrows (attempts)

With 30 arrows the expected number of times that Ryan hits the target is:

So Ryan is expected to win the Archery Merit Badge.
Important Note
Here you have to be careful of the words you use and interpret the results with some reality checks.
Probabilities after all are based on previous trials and represent only an estimate of guarantees of future events. That's why I have repeatedly used the word expected.
After all, John maybe able to hit the center a 11th time and thus he too will earn a merit badge.
In my opinion a poorly worded question