I'm going to provide a real life case for this answer. I own and manage an online soccer jersey store and the process behind it is quite simple:
1. Receive order
2. Buy jerseys from supplier
3. Resell at an slighly higher price
4. Pay taxes + shipping
Now, say that "x" is the amount of jerseys my store sells in a month. I can use functions to create an expression that tells me what is the total net revenue I get from selling "x" amount of jerseys a month.
For example, say that the jerseys cost $50 and you sell them for 60$. You also need to pay the shipping for each jersey (say it is $5 per jersey). Then, we can form a function like this:

As you can tell, the money that comes back to the seller ($60 dollars per jersey) is expressed as a possitive coefficient for variable "x" (number of sold jerseys). And, all the other costs, which is money that you spend in order to sell the jerseys, are expressed with a negative coefficient meaning that they are not net revenue, it isn't profit. Now, to see how much money you can make by selling 2 jerseys, simplify the function and substitute variable "x" (number of sold jerseys) by 1:

Say "y" is the net revenue:

You can also use functions to determine things such as, how many jerseys do I need to sell in order to make $750 of net revenue? In that case you do the following:

From this analysis, you can conclude that you need to sell 150 jerseys ij order to amke a net revenue of $750.
In conclusion, linear functions can be used to see how a variable value (normally called "x") can affect in the results in multiple daily situations: how many miles can your car run with a full tank, how much time do I need to work so I can buy a product, how much money I can spend in something so I can have saving of "x" amount at the end of the year, etc...