LAB__The Missing Restaurant Owner
Step-by-step explanation:
The following is a description of a murder case. The victim is a restaurant owner who was last known tobe at a bus stop approximately 800 meters from his home. He vanished and was never seen again.Witnesses testified that they heard yelling from the office of the victim’s restaurant about the time thevictim usually left work for home. Using this testimony, police established the identity of the man thevictim was arguing with, and they questioned him as a suspect. The suspect had scratches on his face,which he claimed were from a fight he had the previous evening, and soil particles in his ring andbracelet. The suspect had no explanation for the soil particles or for the reports of yelling from therestaurant office. After arresting the suspect, the police searched his car, the restaurant office, and thesurrounding countryside and gathered the following evidence:List of EvidenceFrom the suspect’s car (trunk):•Bloodstained watch with the clasp missing (identified as the victim’s)•Strands of hairFrom the restaurant office:•Clasp matching the watch from the suspect’s trunk•Blood samples from the floorCountryside:•Bloodstained clothes wrapped in trash bags similar to those used by the restaurant; samples of hairfrom one of the suspect’s dogs and thread from the suspect’s sweater found on the clothes•Knotted electrical cord with hairs that matched those found in the suspect’s trunkThe hairs found inthe car and on the electrical cord matched samples of the victim’s hair taken from his home