I think I'm hallucinating while falling asleep and I'm very confused, help me!
I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep twice, only for both times to be met with a figure, first time I thought it was my brother coming in and I pretended to be asleep, I then heard words telling me to wake up so I tried to open my eyes but I needed to put in tons of effort, after the figure who I thought was my brother (but honestly kinda looked like a shadow version of Leshy from Inscryption) appeared and told me to wake up, this sound of radiations in my ears quickly faded in. Almost like being in the game Among The Sleep where when the shadow creature gets close, you hear very threatening static noises. I opened up my eyes and nobody was there.
Few seconds later I almost fall asleep again only for a figure that seemed to be Toy Chica from FNAF appear, she didn't speak at all, this time I knew it was fake. Similar to before I had trouble opening up my eyes and heard radiations in my ears again. I finally opened my eyes again and nobody was there.
Both times happened when I closed my eyes and I'm not really sure if I was truly awake either times but not truly asleep either.
What is happening to me?