In Shakespeare's play Hamlet, the titular character reflects on the nature of humanity, the human condition and the meaning of existence. Throughout the play, Hamlet grapples with the human tendency toward self-doubt, introspection, and the search for meaning and purpose.
Hamlet is particularly preoccupied with the idea of human authenticity, and the idea that people often hide behind masks and false appearances. He rails against the hypocrisy and moral corruption that he sees around him, and struggles to come to terms with the idea that human beings are capable of both great good and great evil.
He also explores the theme of revenge, which is a common theme in literature. Hamlet's struggle with the idea of revenge and the morality of it, is a reflection of the human condition. He is not sure if he should take revenge or not and how it will affect him and those around him.
Hamlet is a play that delves deeply into the human experience and the complexities of the human condition. It is a play that raises important questions about the nature of humanity and the meaning of life, and encourages its audience to reflect on their own experiences and understanding of the world.