

To convert degrees to radians, multiply the angle in degrees by π/180°.
Arc AB
As arc AB has center O, the radius of arc AB is OA = 1 cm.
As AB is a straight line, ∠AOB is 180° = π.
Therefore, the length of arc AB is:

Arc AC
Triangle BOE is a right triangle with base of 1 cm and height of 1 cm.
Therefore, ∠OBE is 45° = π/4
If arc AC has center B, then the radius is AB = 2 cm.
Therefore, the length of arc AC is:

Arc BD
Arc BD is the same as arc AC.

Arc CD
As triangle BOE is a right triangle with base of 1 cm and height of 1 cm, the length of its hypotenuse BE is:

As arc AC has center B and radius of AB = 2 cm, then BC is also its radius and therefore BC = 2 cm

The arc CD has center E so its radius is CE = 2-√2.
As ∠BEO and ∠AEO are both 45° then ∠AEB is 90°.
According to the vertical angle theorem, ∠CED is also 90° = π/2.
Therefore, the length of arc CD is:

Perimeter of the egg
The perimeter of the egg is the sum of the found arcs: