I have lied for pleasure and to avoid obligations in the past and it is something I regret. I think lying is always wrong because it has a way of corroding relationships and hurting people at the same time. Through my own experiences, I have seen how lying can have damaging effects on other people, regardless of the benefits that come with it.
I remember lying to my boss in the past, saying that I was feeling ill, so I could stay home and rest all day. When I did get back to work, my boss had evidence that I had lied and it completely turned their trust in me into suspicion. This distrust then led to me being treated poorly and receiving fewer privileges for months afterwards.
The hurtful truth is that lying has consequences. It changes the way people view you, it affects your relationships, and it can hurt your reputation, which takes a long time to fix. Ultimately, lying should be avoided at all costs because the negative side effects usually outweigh the benefits.