the medical term for pink eye is Conjunctivitis. and the instructions that the nurses will give to parents is : Wash your hands often. Always wash them before and after you treat pink eye or touch your eyes or face.
Use moist cotton or a clean, wet cloth to remove crust. Wipe from the inside corner of the eye to the outside. Use a clean part of the cloth for each wipe.
Put cold or warm wet cloths on your eye a few times a day if the eye hurts.
Do not wear contact lenses or eye makeup until the pink eye is gone. Throw away any eye makeup you were using when you got pink eye. Clean your contacts and storage case. If you wear disposable contacts, use a new pair when your eye has cleared and it is safe to wear contacts again.
If the doctor gave you antibiotic ointment or eyedrops, use them as directed. Use the medicine for as long as instructed, even if your eye starts looking better soon. Keep the bottle tip clean, and do not let it touch the eye area.