(((8 • (x3)) - (22•3•5x2)) + 150x) - 125
((23x3 - (22•3•5x2)) + 150x) - 125
3.1 8x3-60x2+150x-125 is not a perfect cube
Factoring: 8x3-60x2+150x-125
Thoughtfully split the expression at hand into groups, each group having two terms :
Group 1: 150x-125
Group 2: -60x2+8x3
Pull out from each group separately :
Group 1: (6x-5) • (25)
Group 2: (2x-15) • (4x2)
Bad news !! Factoring by pulling out fails :
The groups have no common factor and can not be added up to form a multiplication.