The Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead documentary is a film that follows the story of Joe Cross, a morbidly obese Australian businessman who is suffering from a chronic autoimmune disease. The film documents his journey as he embarks on a 60-day juice fast in an effort to regain his health and improve his quality of life.
The main character in the movie is Joe Cross. He was an overweight individual who was suffering from a chronic autoimmune disease and was on a lot of medication. He was not happy with the way he was living and wanted to change his lifestyle. He decided to embark on a juice fast for 60 days, during which he only drank juice made from fruits and vegetables.
The reasons why he did what he did are that he wanted to improve his overall health, lose weight, and reduce his reliance on medication. He believed that by consuming only juice, he could give his body the nutrients it needed while also giving his digestive system a rest.
The results of his juice fast were significant. He lost a lot of weight, his autoimmune disease improved, and he was able to reduce his medication significantly. Additionally, he also met several other individuals who were also on juice fasts, and he helped them achieve their goals as well.
The juice fasting technique that Joe Cross used is a form of detox or cleanse. The idea is that by consuming only juice, the body is able to rid itself of toxins and impurities, leading to improved health and weight loss. While there is some evidence to support the benefits of juice fasting, it is important to note that it should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as it can be dangerous if not done properly.
Personally, while juice fasting can have some benefits, it is not a sustainable long-term solution for weight loss or improved health. It is important to have a balanced diet and exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Juice fasting should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional and should only be done for short periods of time.