Step-by-step explanation:
In 1500, the eastern coast of modern-day Brazil was colonized by Portugal.
Brazil was originally colonized by Pedro Álvares Cabral, a Portuguese man, who commanded a fleet of ships containing over 1000 other Portuguese people. Quickly, the Portuguese realized that Brazil had the ideal climate for sugar plantations. Sugar was one of the most desired and valuable cash crops of the time period. Thus, the Portuguese set up multiple large plantations with the sole purpose of growing sugar. They used slave labor to work the fields and were known for having some of the worst treatment of slaves. 80% of all slaves taken to the new world went to work on sugar plantations. Once they arrived, many survived less than 2 years.
Modern-Day Brazil
Although Brazil is now an independent country, remnants of Portuguese culture can still be found. Most notably, Brazilians still speak Portuguese. Also, the Portuguese are the ones that brought Christianity into Brazil, which is now the largest religion in the region. Additionally, art styles such as architecture have clear Portuguese inspiration. All of these are signs of past Portuguese colonialism.