For dividing fractions it's also useful to know that the first fraction (3/4) is called the dividend and the second fraction (1/8) is called the divisor.
Here is a really quick way to divide fractions. In the divisor (the second fraction) we flip the numerator and the denominator. This is known as the reciprocal and basically it means the reverse of the fraction. When we find the reciprocal, we also have to change the division sign to a multiplication sign:
3/4 times 8/1
Once you've flipped the second fraction and changed the symbol from divide to multiply, we can multiply the numerators together and the denominators together and we have our solution:
So we multiply the numerators: 3x8=24
Then multiply the denominators: 4x1=4
Then we have the inproper fraction 24/4
So we divide 24 by 4 to make the answer a proper fraction
Finally you get your answer 6!