Direction is defined as the path that something takes. North, south, east and west all are the direction. Up down, left and right are also used to represent the direction. Using the direction chart we get the equator is at 0 distance away from the location of kylie.
Kylie uses the number 400 to represent 400 miles north of the equator.
Kylie uses the number -2000 to show 2000 miles south of the equator.
What is the direction?
Direction is defined as the path that something takes. North, south, east and west all are the direction. Up down, left and right are also used to represent the direction.
As Kylie use the number 400 to represent 400 miles north of the equator. Thus if he need to back at 400 towards the south to reach back to the equator. Thus the equator is the point from where he has started and the equator is at 0 distance away from the location of kylie where he had started earlier.
Similarly Kylie uses the number -2000 to show 2000 miles south of the equator. Thus if he need to come back at 2000 towards the north to reach back to the equator. Thus the equator is the point from where he has started and the equator is at 0 distance away from the location of kylie where he had started earlier.
Hence both the statement suggest that the equator is at 0 distance away from the location of kylie where he had started earlier.